10 Suggested Features/Products For Apple

Dear Apple,

You’ve had an amazing decade and I don’t need to list the accomplishments, but let’s look towards the future. Everyone has already noticed that the iPhone, iPad, and iPad Mini are all just the same thing in different sizes. It’s time to really branch out and do something new. As a stockholder myself, I feel compelled to give you a few ideas about what consumers want.

1. Projectors
It’s the best of both worlds. With a projector, a small device could have a huge screen. And, as some have suggested, a usable keyboard could be projected, allowing you to do away with the onscreen one. This is not a separate accessory, but actually embedded in the phonepadpodcomputer.

2. Waterproof devices
I think technology has reached the point where we could affordably waterproof our phones and computers. This is important for a rather clumsy person like myself.

3. TV
I don’t even watch much TV, but it’s about time Apple came out with one. It would of course be a combination of a TV and a computer…and guess what? Touchscreen if you feel like getting close (the screen will be easy on the eyes) and gesture-based and speech recognition input if you’re sitting far away.

4. Glasses
Google already has a head start with Project Glass, unless you’re secretly developing a pair of your own. You had better get started now if you haven’t already, as this will be the wave of the future. First of all, they will augment reality, giving us more information about the environment around us. Secondly, they will deliver virtual reality, letting us enter a new world altogether.

5. 3D Printer
These are already available but Apple needs to bring them to the masses. Imagine the average computer user being able to design a 3D model on a computer and then have it physically manifest in reality moments later, all in the comfort of one’s own home. The possibilities are limitless for artists, engineers, mechanics, inventors, and others.

6. Robot
The Mac is a great machine, but the problem is it just sits there. What if it could move around and do your bidding? It’s about time Apple teamed up with a Japanese robotics firm to make the “Model T” of robots. Just think of the App Store that would grow around such a device, as users create their own behaviors for others to purchase.

7. Car
Become partners with an auto manufacturer, integrate your software and hardware, and give the car a driverless option. Soon driverless cars will be street legal and Apple needs to be ready when they are. Also, make the car flyable, submersible, and, most importantly of all, affordable.

8. Smell-o-Vision
I call it this because in the past we usually have thought of incorporating smells into TV or movies, but Apple could harness the power of our most primal sense for all of its iDevices. Many people have disregarded this technology as unrealistic or pointless, but if Apple could do it, I think it could really take off.

9. The Mind Reader
Some brainwave-reading devices have already been developed as tools for quadriplegics, and some even as toys. Apple needs to forge a path down this new frontier. I want to write documents and draw pictures with my mind. I want my Mac to record my dreams. And there is no company I trust more than Apple to store my innermost thoughts on the Cloud.

10. Artificial Intelligence
Siri is a nice start, but Apple needs to do more research to find out how we can get AI like IBM’s Watson, or even a HAL, in the palm of our hands. Make it smarter than humans, and then put that AI inside the aforementioned robot.

I hope you take my advice, Apple. This is a public post and there are other ears listening. If you don’t take heed, they will. And for my site’s readers, I ask you…what revolutionary feature/device would you like to see?

2 responses to “10 Suggested Features/Products For Apple

  1. Yes people will call Apple is trying to catch up with me too products. LOL

    Pardon me this is a click bait write and can’t understand why sad people have to make a fool of themselves.

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