Current Various Projects

This is a summary of our current interactive projects. These are available online for anyone to edit. The staff here has done a lot of work on them, but we also need your help too.

Polyglot Vocab Project – An ambitious project to translate the 3000 most common words in English into 10 other languages. So, if you speak some Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese, please add as many words as you know to our handy mini-dictionary. Could also be used by English students to improve their vocab.

Essential Vietnamese Vocab Grid – This grid will be indispensable for those of you studying Vietnamese. I made it from scratch when I was learning. It has many of the most important words for everyday usage, and they are arranged in rows and columns by spelling (and therefore pronunciation). Each column represents a different initial consonant and each row represents a different vowel sound. However, I haven’t updated it in a while so I’m sure there are some words missing. Let me know if you can think of any.

Encyclopedia of Vietnamese Fruit  – Do you happen to know a lot about the fruits found in Vietnam? If so, help us fill in this table with information about seasonal/regional availability, storage, ripening, recipes, etc.!

List of Dualities – Leave a comment to suggest another one not listed.

List of Famous People – This is sort of an experiment in progress. The definition of famous could be open to interpretation. But let’s try to name the people you personally think are the most famous and important from history. Let’s try to dwell on people who made an impact on society. Who is not already listed?

Timeline of Famous Characters – Here are many of the most famous characters from legend, literature, and popular culture, arranged chronologically. Who do you suggest we add to the list?

Thanks once again for supporting the site. There will be many more projects to come.

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