IX. Bears Dwelled in Caves of Mud


at the border of all lands
wood protruded from soil
bark covered the dirt

deer & camels crushed pinecones
& acorns while
monkeys ate peanuts above
bears dwelled in caves of mud

they lived out of cardboard boxes
sculpted homes from clay
the brunette people of the woods were known
for coffee brewed with
chestnut, pecan, & walnut
chocolate, cinnamon, caramel
& cola

violins played
as they tanned the leather
chewed tobacco
got potatoes for supper &
sprinkled them with cumin

in the middle of their land
in the middle of all kingdoms
was a massive lake of feces

taking a canoe into
its murky depths
the excrement grew darker
when coming to the center

recalling a certain land
of carbon smoke & globs of tar

staring down below
you could see…

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