The Top 15 Drinks

h-blue-oHey Interopians, it’s been a while since our last list, hasn’t it? This one has been in the works for far too long. Finally it is unveiled to the world. The greatest drinks of all time.

15. Chocolate Milk

Preferably mixed with Hershey’s syrup and whisked to a light froth.

Chocolate Milk

14. Absinthe

A glass of the green fairy really gets the creative juices flowing when it’s time to sit down to write a novel or create some art.


13. Passion Fruit Juice

So tasty you won’t even mind all those seeds.

Passion Fruit Juice

12. Root Beer Float

Sometimes there’s nothing better than a root beer float on a hot day.

Root Beer Float

11. Corona (with lime)

Lime transforms this otherwise decent beer into the second best beer of all time.

Corona with Lime

10. Bourbon Whiskey

When it comes to drinking liquor straight, bourbon is your best bet.

Bourbon Whiskey

9. Big Red

The soft drink wars has a winner, and its name is Big Red.

Big Red

8. Frozen Margarita (with salt on the rim)

The margarita might be the perfect vacation getaway beverage, but make sure it’s frozen and, most importantly, don’t forget the salt on the rim.

Frozen Margarita

7. Carrot Juice

As you enjoy the mild carrot taste, simultaneously enjoy the sensation of pure health coursing through your veins.

Carrot Juice

6. Appletise

Also known as Appletiser, this carbonated apple juice is practically the nectar of the gods.  Too bad it’s so difficult to find in the US and many other countries.


5. White Russian

Vodka, Kahlua, and milk combine to make this very dude-ical beverage.

White Russian

4. Guinness

Grab a pint of this greatest beer of all time. And then grab a few more.


3. Red Wine

Specifically, a pinot noir. Or perhaps a nice chianti.

Red Wine

2. Coffee

Whether hot or cold, black or white, caffeinated or…wait, coffee is undeniably the second best liquid to drink in the world.


1. Water

It’s just a classic.


So, what is your favorite drink? Leave a comment below nhé.

2 responses to “The Top 15 Drinks

  1. Agree with 8 and 13! Have never tried Appletiser… where do they sell it?
    Wait a minute… where is TEA??? I can’t say tea is my favourite drink ever, but I truly can not survive a day without at least one cup.

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