Interopia’s 100 Favorite Rock Albums of the 1990s

It’s the sun in the morning! As we wake this Manhattan Monday, we thank you for taking this journey with us. From here on out you can expect a longer text-based post on Monday mornings, at the very least. Today, a flashback countdown. This year marks the fourteenth anniversary of the end of the nineties, arguably the best decade for music. The editorial staff here at Interopia have spent many long hours in smoky rooms debating and compiling this, our controversial top 100 albums of the 1990s. Disclaimer: saving the hip hop for a future list. Hope you enjoy it and discover something new! Be sure to leave a comment and let us know your personal favorite…

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My cat Tsugu is the coolest cat in the world. Tsugu is also probably the weirdest cat in the world. It’s hard to explain exactly how she is cool and weird, though. I’ll just have to slowly illustrate the point over time in a series of posts.

Tsugu 4

This summer is her 10th birthday!!! Let’s all wish her a happy one.

Top 10 Christmas Songs

Christmas Spiral

Christmas Spiral (credit:

I’ve always enjoyed the Christmas songs, both traditional and modern. But this year I find myself bored with many of the classics, like Jingle Bells, Wish You a Merry Christmas, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Deck the Halls, and 12 Days (fine songs though they are). So here is the first annual Interopia top 10 Christmas songs of all time. Continue reading

The Induction of Alex Trebek

You may remember that a few months ago Interopia unveiled its Hall of Fame, including 70 musicians, writers, actors, entertainers, directors, scientists, artists, and businessmen. That list, however, was just the beginning. Over time additional inductees will be announced. The first of these is genius Alex Trebek, host of TV’s greatest game show, Jeopardy!  Welcome, Alex, to eternal membership in the Interopia Hall of Fame.

Please leave your congratulations for Alex in the comment section below!


200 Favorite Albums

Interopia’s inbox ( has been flooded with requests for a top albums of all time list. After much debate, we’ve finally arrived at this list of our 200 favorite albums. Hopefully you can discover one or two new ones.

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The Top 10 Shapes

Hey everyone, Trent here. Today let’s learn about the ten best shapes in the history of the universe.  There will be polygons and polyhedrons, and I may just throw you a curve ball or two.  Be sure to leave a comment about what your favorite shape is!

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25 Favorite Video Games

For someone who doesn’t really consider himself a gamer, I have played a lot of video games. This is thanks to my brother, my mom, and various friends over the years. Every now and then a particular game will grab and hold my attention and I will play it for hours and days on end. Here is a list of those games that have gotten me addicted at one point or another. However, rather than rank specific games, I will instead rank game franchises. In parentheses I have written the game system I originally played it on (though most of them have appeared on multiple systems). Continue reading

Contest: Interopia’s Hall of Fame

When the Beatles released Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in 1967, the cover featured a collage depicting more than 70 famous people, including writers, musicians, film stars, and (at Harrison’s request) a number of Indian gurus.

Here is my version of the cover, featuring people I admire or have been inspired by. How many of them can you identify? There are musicians, writers, actors, directors, scientists, artists, and philosophers. E-mail your list by June 20 to and whoever correctly names the most people in the picture wins the prize. What prize, you ask? How about a piece of original art sent to wherever you are in the world? Sounds fun and easy right? Good luck! (Click on the picture for higher resolution)