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Project Charter and Design Document

You may remember that two weeks ago this site introduced the 4-part series “Project Management for Instructional Designers. We defined the term “project” and talked about the importance of identifying stakeholders early on in the process. In today’s second installment, we continue with the additional related topics of project charter, design document and task analysis.

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MEd Reflection

As most of you know I am currently studying for an Education degree, and the end is in sight. Only a couple more courses to go and then I finish in spring. My current class has only a week remaining, and my teacher asked us to write a reflection about our time in the class. She wanted us to talk about our experiences and what we have learned. This is that reflection.

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ADDIE: Analysis and Design Phases

Have you ever heard of ADDIE? It’s an instructional design model. In other words, you can use this acronym to help you design any type of education, whether it be an elementary school class, a foreign language class, occupational training, or another type. It stands for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate. As you can see from the diagram below, it is a cycle, repeating over and over as the course being designed is modified and refined.

ADDIE Instructional Design Model

Today let’s talk about the first two phases of the model, Analyze and Design.

First, before any designing can begin, we have to gather information about the specific situation we are designing for. This is the Analyze phase. We need data to work with, as we cannot begin designing with a blank slate. The information gives us a direction, and sets boundaries, for our course. What information do we look for? According to Hodell (2011), we must first determine whether there is a need for the training. If there’s no need, we shouldn’t do the training. Once a need is found, we must determine the root cause of the problem that necessitated the training. Next, we decide on the goals of training. These goals should be in line with the goals of the organization we are working for, but they need to be realistic. Another step is determining what further information needs to be gathered and how to go about getting it. We also need to make a note of how training will be structured, how it will be delivered, and when it should be revised.

One very important part of the Analyze phase is population analysis. This means gathering as much information as possible about prospective students. On the surface this means demographic data, such as age, gender, ethnicity, work experience, education, etc. This information can be used to determine the cultural environment of the classroom. When making the population profile, we also discover the students’ skill levels in various areas, which will help us set the difficulty level of the course as well as its prerequisites. Digging deeper, a population analysis should find out students’ attitudes, values, and opinions. Instructional designers can learn a lot about what should be included in their projects by listening to potential students’ insights.

After all this data is gathered, the stage is set for the Design phase to begin. Hodell argues that this phase is the heart of the entire ADDIE model, with the other phases depending on it. Design takes place after the Analyze phase but before the Develop and Implement stages. During this phase we detail every part of the project: rationale, target population, objectives, evaluation strategy, participant prerequisites, facilitator prerequisites, and more. We should be able to write a concise, general description of the project. We also produce other deliverables, such as rough drafts of course materials and handouts. We will take these documents into the next phase, Develop.

Studying the phases of the ADDIE model has given me some ideas for improving my own teaching. While I have yet to design a full course, I often do have to design individual lessons, based on textbook material. Therefore this is an opportunity to use the ADDIE model. However, because I teach at a language center, I usually have a different group of students in every class, rather than the same 20 students everyday. Therefore, it is often a surprise to see who shows up to a particular class. Needless to say, I don’t have the opportunity to practice the Analyze phase in these circumstances. One way my school could improve would be to provide teachers, through e-mail, with a list of students enrolled in each of my future classes, including detailed information about the skill levels of each. If I knew the past test scores and teacher comments of my students before I went in to teach, I would have a better idea about whether my lesson will be too easy or too difficult for them.

Are you interested in instructional design yourself now? The best way to learn Instructional Systems development is to take a class on it. If this isn’t possible, you can also utilize the vast resources of the Web to educate yourself. But you don’t have to do it alone. You can use the Internet to collaborate with experts and learners alike. For instance, you can register at Instructional Design Central’s forums to discuss the discipline with others.

Hodell, C. (2011). Isd from the ground up: A no-nonsense approach to instructional design (3rd ed.). United States of America: American Society for Training & Development.

Digitally Mediated Learning Activity

As longtime readers know, at Interopia we know the value of education.  We are always educating ourselves, and hopefully our resources can educate you too.  We are also interested in how to improve the state of education today.  It is our belief that an informed use of technology can increase learning and open up otherwise closed doors for students all over the world.  That is why 8 weeks ago we began designing a digitally mediated learning activity for our EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students.  Please take a look at the project proposal and let us know if you have any feedback.

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Do you know what open educational resources (OER) are? They are any educational resource (textbooks, lectures, videos, images, software, essays, etc.) made available to learners for free through the use of an open license. They can be provided by governments, universities, organizations, or individuals. Of course, in this day and age, they usually come in digital form and are available over the Internet. Do you want specific examples of OERs? Here is a list of 10 such resources to get you started:

10 OER You Might Not Know About (But Should)

A quick search on the topic reveals the many benefits of open education, such as: equalizing information access for all students, removing financial barriers, removing geographic barriers, increased online enrollment, potentially improved reputation of authors/institutions, and even the ability to write notes in the margin (unlike in proprietary textbooks owned by a school).  Depending on the type of open resource, there is also the chance to reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute.  Other advantages include the ability to continually, through digital means, update the resource, whereas traditional texts or lectures remain static.  Also, open resources allow writers to publish their ideas that might be difficult to get into more traditional publications, thereby giving a voice to otherwise unspoken thinkers.  I think of all of these, the most exciting is the breaking down of financial and geographical barriers to education.  With open education, students with the technological means can access information free of charge that will enrich their lives and those of people around them.  In essence, online education, aided by OERs, can help make the world a better place from the bottom up, with each independent learner directing their own educational path, achieving self-actualization, and then hopefully going on to make a positive impact and influencing others.

Though most sites seem to list the many advantages of the open education movement, it is important to look at the opposing views.  Some difficulties society may encounter with open education are: quality control issues, lack of social interaction, language barriers, technical barriers to Internet/computer availability, and copyright concerns.  The challenge I see for OER is the same one that we have with a lot material available on the Internet…copyright and licensing.  These days music, movies, software, etc. can easily be downloaded illegally for free with little chance of punishment.  The same holds true for educational resources.  By making these resources open, people now don’t have to worry about breaking a law by downloading or viewing them.  However, there is not simply one type of open educational resource.  There are many levels of permission.  According to Michael McNally, some OERs are completely open and users can do whatever they wish to do with it.  However, others have certain restrictions placed upon them (you can download and share it, but not alter it and make it your own).  In the same way it is difficult to police illegal music downloading, how will authorities make sure that OERs are being used in accordance with their specific license?

Despite the problems that I can see with OERs, I still think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Wouldn’t you agree?

10 open education resources you may not know about (but should). (2011). Mindshift. Retrieved from
Open educational resources.  DEOracle. Retrieved from
WesternUniversity. (2012). Democratizing access to knowledge . Youtube retrieved from

Three Types of Classroom: Face-to-face, Online, and Hybrid

For a long time, most of history, the most popular type of formal education was one in which a teacher sat down with students in a brick and mortar building and taught material with the use of textbooks and other teaching aids. Then, along came the internet, which introduced a new possibility, teaching students through computers over long distances. No longer was a common physical meeting place necessary. It was replaced by a virtual one. The hybrid classroom also emerged, combining the traditional and online classrooms in various degrees. Each of these three education scenarios has its advantages. For example, there are many teaching strategies listed on the MERLOT Pedagogy site (link below), and each one might be most suitable in one of three learning environments.

The face-to-face (F2F) learning environment is the one usually associated with traditional formal education. One advantage of this setup is that communication is made easier, as it could be considered more personal than communicating digitally. Teachers and students can read the expressions on each other’s faces, allowing for more information to be passed along than just mere words allow. This allows people to pick up subtleties in language, such as a teacher’s sense of humor, or perhaps a student’s hesitation and lack of understanding. In many cases, students can also get more immediate feedback than they would be able to in an asynchronous online learning environment. All the student has to do is raise their hand or stop by the teacher’s office to get help. The teaching strategy of Problem-Based Learning would probably work best in a F2F situation. In this strategy students are faced with problems that they must solve by working in groups. It makes sense that students should meet in “real life” to solve these real life problems. And group work is also easier to do in person, until the day virtual reality becomes sufficiently realistic and commonplace.

Online learning might lack the aforementioned communication advantage, but it has its own benefits. Of course, online education covers a very wide variety of methods, so it is hard to make blanket statements covering them all. For instance, my online class, an asynchronous discussion-based class, is only one form that online learning can take. This type allows students to create their own study schedule around the other responsibilities in their lives. Online learning can also be synchronous, in which class members log in at the same time and communicate via text, audio, or video. The most obvious advantage that both of these forms have is that students don’t have to be living in the same place. For instance, I am able to study for my master’s degree while living internationally. Other advantages, depending on type of online education, include more access to online resources and possibly less fear of participating and sharing opinions. I think the Writing Assignment teaching strategy described on the MERLOT site would be perfect for an online learning environment. The teacher’s job is to assign a writing assignment which involves critical thinking and then evaluate the student’s work. Because this can all be done through the written word, online education often uses this teaching strategy.

Combining F2F and online learning creates hybrid (or blended) learning, which can also take many different forms. Perhaps the class is mainly taught in a classroom and the online component is used as a supplement to the F2F learning. Or perhaps the class is predominantly online, but meets occasionally in person for activities not possible in cyberspace. Perhaps lectures are in person, but homework is submitted online. The possible permutations of hybrid education are limitless. One advantage of hybrid classrooms is that they can assist students who have trouble staying motivated in a purely online class. However, hybrid classes take a lot preparation time for teachers. For more information about hybrid setups in K-12 schools, including 6 different hybrid models, read this paper, The Rise of K-12 Blended Learning. A teaching strategy from the MERLOT site that might work well in a hybrid situation is Team-Based Learning. This is group work in which student teams retain constant members from week to week. Students are responsible to make their own contribution to the group in each class, based on what they have learned outside of class. By making this a hybrid activity, group members could collaborate both in and outside of class, keeping in contact through discussion boards or team-authored wikis.

Soon I will be carrying out a learning activity of my own design. Its goal is to improve the English of ESL students, namely their grammar and vocabulary usage. Rather than focus on all grammar and vocabulary, my learning activity will address the most common mistakes made by my students. The activity will take the form of a game on a website, meaning it could be incorporated into either an online or hybrid class. Teachers in a hybrid class could choose to either supervise students doing the activity in class, or assign it for homework. Either way, teachers could use the activity to concentrate on the weaknesses they have identified in each student.

Have you ever studied online before? Do you think there will always be a place for face-to-face education?

Horn, Michael B.; Heather Staker. (January 2011). The rise of K-12 Blended Learning. Retrieved from

Merlot Pedagogy. (2012). Retrieved from

Improving Education Through Communities of Practice & Professional Learning Communities

Have you ever heard of communities of practice (CoPs) or professional learning communities (PLCs)? They are both forms of collaborative learning and are similar in many ways. Both can be used in various work environments or fields, but are particularly useful in education. Both attempt to improve students’ learning, by sharing ideas and experiences and by giving and receiving feedback. Both can be assisted by information and communication technologies. However, despite their similarities, they are somewhat different.

Communities of practice focus on learners and are based on the idea that learning is inherently social. Not only can students learn from teachers, but they can also learn from each other. The roots of CoP theory began in the 1960s with research by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, who studied the education of tailors in Africa. They noticed that people working together in a community of practice actually learned more from other students than their teacher (“Etienne”, 2011). In a CoP, members are united by a common interest and a common practice, yet each contributes something unique to the group. CoPs serve to educate each individual member while simultaneously increasing collective knowledge. CoPs differ from project groups in that individuals tend to come together more naturally and tend to have different goals. Not only can CoPs be helpful, they can also make working more enjoyable.

PLCs, another type of community, focus on teachers and how they can improve the end product of their teaching…the students’ learning. In order to form a PLC, a school principal or department head will form groups of about 5 or 6 teachers, assigning one of them as a leader. A regular meeting time for these teachers is set. The group uses this time to collaborate and discuss creative ways to improve their students’ learning (Adams, 2009). According to Richard DuFour, teachers collaborating in a PLC need to answer three questions: “What should students be learning?”, “How do we know when they have learned it?”, and “How will we respond to learning difficulties?” (Bray, 2009). At each meeting, group members have the opportunity to address specific problems they have encountered. An advantage of these groups is that they can accomplish more than the sum of their parts.

Recent advances in technology have streamlined the formation and practices of CoPs and PLCs. Now, instead of being limited by geographic location (as the learning communities in Africa were), students and teachers can collaborate with others from all over the world, given that they have Internet access. Technology also makes these communities more customizable. Members of learning communities used to be uncontrollable, but now everyone can choose who they want to be part of their personal learning community, using social networks such as Twitter. These personal learning communities are becoming larger than ever, bringing more and more ideas into the fold. To prevent information overload, users can be selective in choosing whom to collaborate with, much in the same way they should be selective when finding research on the Internet. Besides giving people a way to meet each other, the Internet also gives them a forum in which to share ideas and work out problems. These online communities can be used to supplement and enhance face-to-face PLC meetings.

I’m thinking about starting a PLC at my school. How about you?

Adams, C. (2009). The power of collaboration. Instructor, 119(1), 28-31. Retrieved from
Bray, Barbara. (2009). Does your PLN help your PLC become a CoP? Rethinking Learning. Retrieved from
“Etienne Wenger.” T+D 65.4 (2011): 96-97. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Dec. 2011.