Interopia Hall of Fame: Contest Results!

As you know, this past week we had a contest here at Interopia.  After one week, over 500 people representing 45(!) countries had submitted their lists of the people they recognized in the picture we posted.  However, only one person answered perfectly.  So congratulations to a Mr. Musiyoki of Kenya, who was the grand prize winner. Here is the final list of the people in the picture:

Wes Anderson (director)
Paul Thomas Anderson (director)
Alex Grey (artist)
William Shakespeare (writer)
Jonny Greenwood (musician)
Gary Larson (cartoonist)
Charlie Kaufman (writer)
John Coltrane (musician)
Frank Zappa (musician)
Captain Beefheart aka Don Van Vliet (musician)
David Bowie (musician, actor)
Eddie Vedder (musician)
Brian Eno (musician)
Dave Grohl (musician)
James Joyce (writer)
Bill Watterson (cartoonist)
T.S. Eliot (poet)
Bill Murray (actor)
Roald Dahl (writer)
Matt Groening (cartoonist)
Weird Al Yankovic (musician)
H.R. Giger (artist)
Jim Varney (actor)
Bill Hicks (comedian)
Rowan Atkinson (actor)
Conan O’Brien (television)
Tommy Wiseau (writer, producer, director, actor)
Jeff Bridges (actor)
Cedrix Bixler-Zavala (musician)
Maynard James Keenan (musician)
Omar Rodriguez Lopez (musician)
Syd Barrett (musician)
Trent Reznor (musician)
Kurt Cobain (musician)
Thom Yorke (musician)
Josh Homme (musician)
Stephen King (author)
Salvador Dali (artist)
Samuel Beckett (playwright)
Andy Kaufman (comedian)
Darren Aronofsky (director)
Philip K. Dick (author)
Alan Watts (writer)
Joel and Ethan Coen (director)
Kurt Vonnegut (author)
Haruki Murakami (author)
Billy Corgan (musician)
Roger Waters (musician)
Nick Mason (musician)
Rick Wright (musician)
Charles Michael Kitteridge IV aka Black Francis aka Frank Black (musician)
M.C. Escher (artist)
Win Butler (musician)
Alfred Hitchcock (director)
Steve Jobs (businessman)
Jimi Hendrix (musician)
Miles Davis (musician)
Stephen Hawking (scientist)
Phil Collins (musician)
David Cronenberg (director)
George Orwell (author)
Stanley Kubrick (director)
David Gilmour (musician)
David Lynch (director)
John Lennon (musician)
Ringo Starr (musician)
Paul McCartney (musician)
George Harrison (musician)

Stay tuned for more contests in the near future!

Contest: Interopia’s Hall of Fame

When the Beatles released Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in 1967, the cover featured a collage depicting more than 70 famous people, including writers, musicians, film stars, and (at Harrison’s request) a number of Indian gurus.

Here is my version of the cover, featuring people I admire or have been inspired by. How many of them can you identify? There are musicians, writers, actors, directors, scientists, artists, and philosophers. E-mail your list by June 20 to and whoever correctly names the most people in the picture wins the prize. What prize, you ask? How about a piece of original art sent to wherever you are in the world? Sounds fun and easy right? Good luck! (Click on the picture for higher resolution)