Color Combo Chart

One of the emerging Interopian trends is to take a list and then double it, expanding it into 2 dimensions, thus creating a grid.

Our latest grid is called the Color Combo Chart. It illustrates the 36 2-color combinations that can be made from 9 basic colors. There are many ways artists could use this diagram. For example, you could look over the color combinations until one inspires. Or you could identify a specific color combination you haven’t worked with much before and then resolve to create something with it.


The Sierpinski of Creation


The Sierpinski of Creation is certainly one of Interopia’s greatest contributions to the world so far. Within the diagram Interopia’s core essence is summarized well. Click on the image above to order a copy for yourself. In the process you will be supporting the Interopia Project, and we thank you for that.

The Top 10 Shapes

Hey everyone, Trent here. Today let’s learn about the ten best shapes in the history of the universe.  There will be polygons and polyhedrons, and I may just throw you a curve ball or two.  Be sure to leave a comment about what your favorite shape is!

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